To view this video, ELECTRICAL DISCONNECTION TIMES, click on the link below
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Many times we have been asked why we have disconnection times and how should we use them.
Another question is that once the disconnection time is known for a particular circuit, what do we then do with that information, what is the next step.
This video will answer many of these questions that are related to disconnection times and how to determine maximum Zs values for final and distribution circuits and how to consider the different voltage ranges, for the common types of earthing systems and for both AC and DC circuits .
There is a lot to consider with disconnection times and achieving the right balance will ensure reliable operation of the circuit’s appliances and, most importantly, the safety of the users of the installation.
We also have a video showing the differences between final circuits and distribution circuits ELECTRICAL FINAL CIRCUITS AND DISTRIBUTION CIRCUITS
It can be viewed using the following link
To view this video, ELECTRICAL DISCONNECTION TIMES, click on the link below